NOUN CLAUSES 3 Posted by Aslan Date 7 June 2024 Comments 0 comment Welcome to your NOUN CLAUSES 3 1. Their biggest worry is ___________. they won't be able to meet the deadline not meeting the deadline to meet the deadline they meet the deadline 2. The suspicion ___________ lingers in the air. they are hiding something that they are hiding something hiding something they hide something 3. The recommendation is that the issue ___________ before it escalates further. addresses will address be addressed addressed 4. The teacher requested that the students ___________ quietly during the exam. not speak not speaks not will speak not speaking 5. His assumption ___________ turned out to be incorrect. they were involved they involve involving that they were involved 6. Our uncertainty ___________ is unsettling. if they will come whether they will come coming they will come 7. The belief ___________ keeps him going. to achieve his dreams achieving his dreams he can achieve his dreams he achieves his dreams 8. It's important that he ___________ the terms of the agreement before signing. understand understands will understand understanding 9. It's crucial that the problem ___________ as soon as possible. resolves will resolve be resolved resolved 10. The doctor recommended that he ___________ plenty of rest to recover quickly. doesn't get not get won't get not getting Please fill in the comment box below. Time's up Share: Aslan Previous post NOUN CLAUSES 2 7 June 2024 Next post PASSIVE OR ACTIVE 1 7 June 2024 You may also like FARTHER & FURTHER PDF 26 August, 2024 PDF İNDİR KISALTMALAR PDF 26 August, 2024 PDF İNDİR LET & LETS & LET’S PDF 26 August, 2024 PDF İNDİR